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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
24 TV Show Update 05-14-07
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: TV Shows
Jack's Back In Action!


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 24 TV Show Update... 05-14-07

Setting Up For the Season Finale !

No this episode didn't just mark time until next week's 2 hour Season Finale! 

It did feature the end of the assault drama at CTU.... but hasn't CTU been breached so many times before?? The place must be leaking like a sieve !!  Also, why wouldn't there be bulletproof glass at CTU... maybe the season is coming up too quick for the writers at this point?

However this episode did set up next week's scenario to close the season, which Tina and I are looking forward to!  24 Hours is a lot of viewing time, but this show rocks!

This show really brings out the primal feelings in us for the characters that are being shown.... hate, love, cheering, booing all rolled up into one show!  And it is easy to watch IF you have been viewing from the Season Openetr. Which is why we have decided to watch this show and tape 'Heroes' which is broadcast at the same time because Heroes needs to be rewound on occasion to make sure you didn't miss a point!

Best moment of this episode ???

Philip Bauer switches sides at the end of the episode to get outta town with his grandson! 

For those interested in TV shows like '24', we have several Movie and TV based comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store and eBay Pro Store.  Just click on the links provided!

Thanks for viewing this popular culture blog post.... and feel free to post your comment below! This blog post is written for the 'mainstream' blog post reader as well as the pop culture collector !

Plus don't forget to VOTE in our NEW POLL for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain in our poll... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly to the left !



Plus Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:

For the latest Spider-Man Movie blog post... click  below to see what we have to say!

Spider-Man Movie!

Check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV Show in the photo below! 

  Save the Cheerleader....!

For Our Take  on the upcoming  Fantastic Four Movie..  Just click the Fantastic-Car below! 

  Next FF Movie!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 7:51 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 7:55 AM PDT
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What Ever Happened To Jimmy Olsen ?
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Book History

Jimmy, Superman, Lois Lane & More!!

Jimmy Olsen Comics For Sale!!

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What Ever Happened to Jimmy Olsen ?

Jimmy Olsen, known as 'Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen' in the comic books has a long history! 

He first became a star in his own right when he received his own comic book back in Sept/Oct of 1954. The comic started as a bi-monthly but went to a monthly publication when better sales warranted.

Jimmy, who we all know was 'the cub reporter for the Daily Planet', was also always getting into situations.  Unlike Lois Lane who would get into serious trouble with Superman coming to save her.... Jimmy would get into a humorous situation, like the one in the comic to the left bottom below.

He would be a Jungle Boy, a Boxer, a 'Superboy', an elastic superhero, a giant Jimmy, a turtle Jimmy, and on and on...

Jimmy went thru that phase of comic books when they were sometimes bland, silly, and actually just fun reading with no change in continuity.  However with the more realistic comics that kids later wanted, and then the grim and gritty era coming in, poor Jimmy just didn't make the grade anymore in his publisher's eyes!

Poor Jimmy's comic book lasted for 163 issues until February 1974.  His comic's title was changed to 'The Superman Family' where Jimmy was a role player...    

The 'Superman Family' comic book kept Jimmy's comic book numbering and ran from issue #164 to issue #222 ending in September 1982. The stories included adventures of Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Supergirl.... and even Jimmy! 

Today the mainstream public just thinks of Jimmy as that guy in the Superman movies with Christopher Reeve or the small appearance in Superman Returns, or the guy shown in the top left photo on the TV show Smallville, (Aaron Ashmore).  Jimmy has come a long ways down in comic book status since the the late 1950's when he was a major star in his own right!  

For those interested in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen or other Superman comic books or DC Comics that feature Jimmy we have them listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.

Plus don't forget to VOTE in our NEW POLL for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE VILLAIN... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours to the left !



AND... Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:

For OUR TAKE on the latest American Idol performances all you have to do is  click on the pic below!

Our Take on American Idol Performances!

For our thoughts on the upcoming  Fantastic Four Movie..  Just click on the Fantastic-Car below! 

  Next FF Movie!

Lastly, if you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:36 AM PDT
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Monday, May 14, 2007
Jack Kirby's Glimpse Into A Possible Future !
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Comic Book History

Jack Kirby's KAMANDI...

Was His Glimpse Into A Possible Future For Mankind !

Kamandi was a DC Comics comic book character created by  artist and writer Jack Kirby in the early 1970's.

The majority of Kamandi's appearances to date occurred in the first comic book series Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth, which was published from 1972 to 1978.

Kamandi was portayed as a young 'hero' in a Post-Apocalyptic future, which was set in a parallel Earth of the DC Universe's future.

It was set in a period after an event called "The Great Disaster". In that period humans are a persecuted minority in a world ruled by intelligent, highly evolved animals.

If that sounds familiar to you, then remember that an earlier 1968 movie 'Planet of the Apes' also portrayed an animal-ruled world!

Indeed, the cover of Kamandi #1, showing a demolished Statue of Liberty, was posibly inspired by a similar scene in the 'Planet of the Apes' movie just before it ended!

However, if you were to think that Jack was copying the movie, he actually had drawn a similiar theme in a comic book story in 'Alarming Tales' #1 back in September 1957.

In that comic book Jack drew a story entitled "The Last Enemy." In the story, he has a man traveling in time to the year 2514, where he finds that humans are extinct! That time traveler finds that the world is ruled by tribes of intelligent tigers, dogs, and rats!

Jack's drawings of these intelligent animals are very much similar to his later drawings in Kamandi 15 years later.

This series was one of the last that Jack wrote and drew for DC Comics before going back to Marvel Comics.

For those interested in checking out the Kamandi comics run we have several unslabbed and CGC graded comics listed in our eBay Featured Comic Books Store and eBay Pro Store.

Thanks for viewing this comic book blog post.... and feel free to comment!

Plus don't forget to VOTE in our NEW POLL for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly on the bottom right!



Click Here For Kamandi Comics!



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PLUS:  Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts

For the latest Spider-Man Movie blog post... click  below to see what we have to say!

Spider-Man Movie!

Check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV Show in the photo below! 

  Save the Cheerleader....!

For Jack Bauer Fans.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 7:31 PM PDT
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Transformers Could Be a SLEEPER Hit !
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Transformers Movie Which Is Due Out July 4th Weekend Could
Be A Sleeper Hit! 

It is getting a LOT OF BUZZ already. ... because Director Michael Bay is going to deliver a live-action theatrical film based on the 1980s cartoon about robotic aliens using Earth as a battleground!  
The movie is jam-packed with cool effects, action and Michael Bay's signature talent for blowing stuff up!

For those of you that are new to the Transformers Universe, it can be a complicated one to understand!

The Transformers toyline, cartoon series, comic books, and previous movie all owe their existence to the Japanese toyline, Microman. In 1980, the Microman spin off, Diaclone, was released. It featured inch-tall humanoid figures who were able to sit in the drivers' seats of scale model vehicles.  The vehichles could transform into humanoid robot bodies the drivers piloted... whew what a concept!!

My main interest is in the Marvel Comics comic book line. Marvel’s Editor-in-Chief at that time, Jim Shooter, produced a story concept for the series, creating the idea of the two warring factions of alien robots – the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons.

 Having the concept Shooter then called upon veteran comics editor Dennis O'Neil to create character names and profiles for the cast of characters. Unfortunately O’Neill’s work – for whatever reason – did not meet with Hasbro’s expectations, and they requested heavy revisions to the whole concept.

O’Neill declined to make the requested revisions, and the project was then turned down by several other writers and editors until editor Bob Budiansky accepted the daunting task. After a weekend's marathon of work, Budiansky’s new names and profiles were a hit with Hasbro, and thus production began on a bi-monthly four-issue comic book miniseries, and three-part television pilot! The Transformers TV show, toy line and comic book series went on to great success in the USA !

NOTE:  There was a previous Transformers movie before this new one due out in July....  In 1986 the summer release of  'The Transformers: The Movie' was released. However it was a critical and box-office flop. Hopefully this new movie will increase exposure to the Transformers Universe!

For those interested in 'Transformers' and other Toy based  comics we have several of those comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store and more in our eBay Pro Store !
Thanks for reading this blog post! Feel Free to Comment !!




The Above Picture Shows Michael Selling Comic Books at the  San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) in 1973! No Transformers as the series didn't start until 1984! 

Plus don't forget to VOTE in our NEW POLL for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE VILLAIN... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly above!

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AND... Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:

For OUR TAKE on the latest American Idol performances all you have to do is  click on the pic below!

Our Take on American Idol Performances!

For Our Take  on the upcoming  Fantastic Four Movie..  Just click the Fantastic-Car below! 

  Next FF Movie!


Lastly, if you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:58 PM PDT
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Even Tho Postage Rates Went Up Today, We Have Something To Look Forward To!
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Book Movies

STAR WARS Stamps For Collectors  !

Coming to a Galaxy Near YOU...

The local USPS office will have the stamps to the right up for sale on May 24th, 2007. 

Depicted on the upcoming Star Wars saga commemorative sheet are 15 First-Class Mail stamps featuring familiar characters and vehicles from the six movies in the saga.

They include Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca, Princess Leia Organa and R2-D2, C-3PO, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Emperor Palpatine, Imperial Stormtroopers, Boba Fett, the “Millennium Falcon,” an X-wing starfighter, Queen Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, and Darth Maul.  (Whew!)

Believe it or not, thirty million Star Wars commemorative sheets ,(totalling 450 million Star Wars stamps), are being printed !!

I first saw the original Star Wars movie, (Episode 4), when it first came out. I have since seen all 6 of the movies, but the first three released are still my favorites! 

The stamp sheet to the top right is not to be missed for collectors of Star Wars memorabilia for their personal collections! 

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 © 2007 USPS Used with permission   Thanks for reading this comic book blog post, and feel free to comment!


For those interested in Sci-Fi Comic Books, we have several comics listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.     


PLUS:  Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts

For the latest Spider-Man Movie blog post... click  below to see what we have to say!

Spider-Man Movie!

Check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV Show in the photo below! 

  Save the Cheerleader....!

For Jack Bauer Fans.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:33 PM PDT
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