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Monday, May 14, 2007
Transformers Could Be a SLEEPER Hit !
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Transformers Movie Which Is Due Out July 4th Weekend Could
Be A Sleeper Hit! 

It is getting a LOT OF BUZZ already. ... because Director Michael Bay is going to deliver a live-action theatrical film based on the 1980s cartoon about robotic aliens using Earth as a battleground!  
The movie is jam-packed with cool effects, action and Michael Bay's signature talent for blowing stuff up!

For those of you that are new to the Transformers Universe, it can be a complicated one to understand!

The Transformers toyline, cartoon series, comic books, and previous movie all owe their existence to the Japanese toyline, Microman. In 1980, the Microman spin off, Diaclone, was released. It featured inch-tall humanoid figures who were able to sit in the drivers' seats of scale model vehicles.  The vehichles could transform into humanoid robot bodies the drivers piloted... whew what a concept!!

My main interest is in the Marvel Comics comic book line. Marvel’s Editor-in-Chief at that time, Jim Shooter, produced a story concept for the series, creating the idea of the two warring factions of alien robots – the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons.

 Having the concept Shooter then called upon veteran comics editor Dennis O'Neil to create character names and profiles for the cast of characters. Unfortunately O’Neill’s work – for whatever reason – did not meet with Hasbro’s expectations, and they requested heavy revisions to the whole concept.

O’Neill declined to make the requested revisions, and the project was then turned down by several other writers and editors until editor Bob Budiansky accepted the daunting task. After a weekend's marathon of work, Budiansky’s new names and profiles were a hit with Hasbro, and thus production began on a bi-monthly four-issue comic book miniseries, and three-part television pilot! The Transformers TV show, toy line and comic book series went on to great success in the USA !

NOTE:  There was a previous Transformers movie before this new one due out in July....  In 1986 the summer release of  'The Transformers: The Movie' was released. However it was a critical and box-office flop. Hopefully this new movie will increase exposure to the Transformers Universe!

For those interested in 'Transformers' and other Toy based  comics we have several of those comic books in our eBay Featured Comic Book Store and more in our eBay Pro Store !
Thanks for reading this blog post! Feel Free to Comment !!




The Above Picture Shows Michael Selling Comic Books at the  San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) in 1973! No Transformers as the series didn't start until 1984! 

Plus don't forget to VOTE in our NEW POLL for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE VILLAIN... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly above!

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AND... Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:

For OUR TAKE on the latest American Idol performances all you have to do is  click on the pic below!

Our Take on American Idol Performances!

For Our Take  on the upcoming  Fantastic Four Movie..  Just click the Fantastic-Car below! 

  Next FF Movie!


Lastly, if you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 6:58 PM PDT
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Even Tho Postage Rates Went Up Today, We Have Something To Look Forward To!
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Comic Book Movies

STAR WARS Stamps For Collectors  !

Coming to a Galaxy Near YOU...

The local USPS office will have the stamps to the right up for sale on May 24th, 2007. 

Depicted on the upcoming Star Wars saga commemorative sheet are 15 First-Class Mail stamps featuring familiar characters and vehicles from the six movies in the saga.

They include Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca, Princess Leia Organa and R2-D2, C-3PO, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Emperor Palpatine, Imperial Stormtroopers, Boba Fett, the “Millennium Falcon,” an X-wing starfighter, Queen Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, and Darth Maul.  (Whew!)

Believe it or not, thirty million Star Wars commemorative sheets ,(totalling 450 million Star Wars stamps), are being printed !!

I first saw the original Star Wars movie, (Episode 4), when it first came out. I have since seen all 6 of the movies, but the first three released are still my favorites! 

The stamp sheet to the top right is not to be missed for collectors of Star Wars memorabilia for their personal collections! 

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 © 2007 USPS Used with permission   Thanks for reading this comic book blog post, and feel free to comment!


For those interested in Sci-Fi Comic Books, we have several comics listed in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store.     


PLUS:  Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts

For the latest Spider-Man Movie blog post... click  below to see what we have to say!

Spider-Man Movie!

Check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV Show in the photo below! 

  Save the Cheerleader....!

For Jack Bauer Fans.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:33 PM PDT
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NEW Poll On Spider-Man Movies !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book Movies

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New Poll !

Who Is YOUR Favorite Spider-Man MOVIE Villain from All 3 Movies?  

Just Click on the Easy Button To The Left to Record YOUR Vote !


 Our Take On the New Spider-Man 3 Movie !

That's right, we were able to see it this past weekend with Michael's pre-teen son, Vinnie, after Michael recovered from food poisoning from the previous Friday !!

Here's our thoughts on the movie with a SPOILER WARNING   If You have NOT yet seen the movie & Don't Want to Know the Plot or Ending, DON'T READ BELOW THIS LINE ! :




Vinnie's ( pre-teen comic fan ) thoughts 

Tina 's- mainstream viewer thoughts


Michael's  - Comic Book Geek 1960's thoughts


Best Scene

Eddie Brock Turns Into Venom 

When New Goblin & Spidey fight together at the end

The closeup scene at the end when Harry lays dying. The Love Triangle Closes.


Worst Scene

Bad Ending of movie at Jazz Club


Peter Parker starts dancing in jazz club to diss MJ

Bad Ending of the movie at the Jazz Club


Best Villain In This Movie





Worst Villain In This Movie

New Goblin  




Favorite Line In Movie

(Didn't Have One) 

Maitre' d at French Restaurant say 'Pecker' in lieu of 'Parker'

The little girl at crowd scene tells JJJ that the film is xtra after he paid $100 for her camera


Overall Grade

A-  had more villains than previous movies 

B+   Really BAD ending, but the battle scenes were much better than previous movies

   Not as exhilarating as first two movies... didn't have the same 'feel' this time! PLUS really BAD ENDING... why didn't movie just stop at the funeral... why go back to the Jazz Club one MORE time??!!!




The above are our thoughts on this new Spidey comic book Film! 


Thank you for reading this popular culture / comics - comic books blog post, and feel free to post your comments below !


Plus: Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:

For OUR TAKE on the latest American Idol performances all you have to do is  click on the pic below!

Our Take on American Idol Performances!

For Our Take  on the upcoming  Fantastic Four Movie..  Just click the Fantastic-Car below! 

  Next FF Movie!


Lastly, if you are a Jack Bauer Fan.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking on Jack's photo below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


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Posted by makeitsomarketing at 5:21 PM PDT
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
Who Was The Longest Running Cowboy Star In American Comic Book Publishing?
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book History

Kid Colt, Outlaw -


The Longest Running  Cowboy Star In American Comic Book Publishing ! 


Kid Colt's real name was Blaine Colt.  He was a cowboy fictional character who starred in his own comic book series as well as in several other titles for Timely, Atlas and Marvel Comics, all of which were owned by Publisher Martin Goodman.

Kid Colt was the longest-running cowboy star in American comic-book publishing,  being featured in stories for a 31 year run from 1948-1979. However from 1966 to the end of 1979, most of the published stories were only reprints of earlier stories. Additionally a  brief  hiatus occurred between issues #139 (April 1968) and #140 (Oct. 1969) to interrupt the run.

Pete Tumlinson wrote and drew Kid Colt's earliest stories for Timely Comics. Artist Jack Keller began his long run with the character starting with Kid Colt, Outlaw #25 (March 1953) for Atlas. Editor Stan Lee was the writer for those stories. Early cover artists for Kid Colt Outlaw included Joe Maneely, John Severin and Russ Heath.  Jack Kirby and inker Dick Ayers took over for many of the covers from the 1959-1965 time period.

Kid Colt and his horse Steel first appeared in Kid Colt #1 (August 1948), from what then called Timely Comics. The cover logo was originally subtitled "Hero of the West", but by issue  number three this logo was changed to "Kid Colt, Outlaw".

Kid Colt's origin story, as told in Kid Colt, Outlaw  #11 (Sept. 1950), had Blaine Colt being wrongly accused of murder and becoming a fugitive from the law.

Kid Colt appeared in numerous comic book series through the 1950's, including All Western Winners, Two-Gun Western and Gunsmoke Western.

During the late 1960s and early 1970s, Kid Colt appeared in the reprint title Mighty Marvel Western along with the Two-Gun Kid and the Rawhide Kid. Kid Colt additionally was published in the three-issue Giant-Size Kid Colt reprint series. His long running title series ended with #229 (April 1979).

Kid Colt, Outlaw was my favorite of the Marvel Western Comics during the 1960's.  During that time there were no comic book stores to buy back issues from, thus I was never able to complete my Kid Colt, Outlaw run at that time. From this event I learned not to attempt to collect series that were long running, which is why I mainly collected Marvel Superheroes as most of the superhero titles, other than Tales of Suspense, Tales to Astonish and Strange Tales, had started in 1961 or later. (i.e. Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Avengers, etc.)

As a footnote, the miniseries 'Blaze of Glory' from the year 2000, by writer John Ostrander and artist Leonardo Manco, featured Kid Colt in his final adventure. This grim and gritty miniseries killed off Kid Colt in the series' conclusion with issue #4, March 2000.

For those interested in more western comic books besides Kid Colt Outlaw, we have several hundred in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store. Time to slap leather Pardner


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Click here for more Western Titles! 


Michael Selling Westerns at the San Diego Comic-Con in 1973


Plus don't forget to VOTE in our NEW POLL for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE VILLAIN... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly above!



Plus Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:

For the latest Spider-Man Movie blog post... click  below to see what we have to say!

Spider-Man Movie!

Check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV Show in the photo below! 

  Save the Cheerleader....!


For Jack Bauer Fans.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 4:52 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, May 13, 2007 4:56 PM PDT
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Stan 'The Man' Lee Movie Cameos UPDATED !
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Comic Book Movies

Stan 'The Man' Lee

Cameos In The Movies!

( Updated 05-13-07 )

When viewing Marvel Comics Movies, one of the fun things to do is to look for Stan Lee in the cameo shots he is also known for!

For those that haven't been to the Movie Theater lately... Stan 'the Man' Lee is the co-creator of most of the Marvel Characters you are seeing on the BIG SCREEN now!

Here are some  of the cameos that Stan has been in, both on made for TV movies, Theatrical Releases, and TV Shows:

Stan was my favorite writer / editor during the Silver Age of Comics! I had him sign my personal reader copy of the Fantastic Four #1, which was originally cover dated November 1961, plus he signed my copy of Strange Tales Annual #2 featuring the first Amazing Spider-Man crossover, at an autograph signing at the 1993 San Diego Comic Con (SDCC), which was twenty years after my first officially setting up a booth at the SDCC as a college student! (See top three right pictures for pics & link to that story.)  

I personally want to thank Stan Lee for the years of reading enjoyment he gave me during the formative years of my childhood, 1961-1970, and the ongoing opportunity today to spot his cameos in movies and TV shows, (his cameo as a bus driver in the NBC TV show 'Heroes' being the latest one that I've seen!).  Thanks Stan !!

For those interested in seeing  Stan Lee 's Marvel comics, we have several hundred in our eBay Featured Store and eBay Pro Store!

Thanks for viewing this comic book blog post.... and feel free to comment!

Plus don't forget to VOTE in our NEW PLL for YOUR favorite Spider-Man MOVIE VILLAIN... just click on the 'easy button' being held by yours truly to the right!


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Stan Posing With My Copy of FF #1


Stan Personalizing My Copy of Fantastic Four #1  








Michael Selling Scores of Stan Lee Written and / or Edited Comic Books at the  San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) in 1973!


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Plus Don't Miss Out On These Blog Posts:

For the latest Spider-Man Movie blog post... click  below to see what we have to say!

Spider-Man Movie!

Check out our latest thoughts on the 'Heroes' TV Show in the photo below! 

  Save the Cheerleader....!

For Jack Bauer Fans.... check out our latest blog post on the 24 TV Show by clicking below! 

   24 TV SHOW Blog Post!


Posted by makeitsomarketing at 8:41 AM PDT
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